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FMAUK FibroMapp Reduced to 99p for May 2014

In recognition of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (May 12th) the FibroMapp app is on sale at a whopping 75% discount! Just 99p/cents instead of 3.99! FibroMapp isn't just for Fibro, but for ALL chronic pain conditions. It helps you track, monitor and gain more control as you can see patterns emerge with your pain, sleep, medication (there are even alarms!), flare ups, other symptoms and more.

There is even a journal section. Equally important is the reports that the app collates from all your information. This is helping many people understand their condition better...it is also helping people gain more help from their doctors (as you can print the reports out). It is also helpful for benefits to show EXACTLY what you are experiencing on a daily basis!   FMAUK Fibro Mapp

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