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2011 Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the FMA UK raffle. This year FMA UK introduced a sharing scheme with local support groups so that they could benefit from the sale of the tickets. The total sum from the sale of tickets was just over £2000, which will go towards maintaining our stock of information booklets. The prize winning tickets were drawn at the group leaders’ meeting on 25th June.

Our first prize winner is unable to take advantage of the week in Malta because of commitments, but it did make his day to know he had won first prize.  He has very generously donated the prize to his local group in Swindon.

Other prizes have either been taken from the meeting for delivery by a group leader or posted out to the winners.  The winning tickets were:

72492 74092 65250 60656 60782 59806 59896 20514 30921 63465 62305 59757
59217 76143 59058 63359 60178 21259 23419 58449 21708 20080 77416 20543
60750 72643 63609 61919 58023 65109 62178 59832 63012 22907 51155 51207

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