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Pregnancy and Newborns - Tips and further help

Practical Tips for Caring for Your Newborn


  • Find a method of breast- feeding that is comfortable for you. Use pillows to position the baby so you do not have to take the weight or consider breast-feeding lying down.
  • Consider bottle-feeding if the constant sleep disturbance of nighttime feeds is causing you unbearable pain. Bottle- feeding means that Dad can take a turn and you can restart your medications.
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps. Get as much rest as possible.
  • Deal with any symptoms of postnatal depression promptly.
  • Ask for help when you need it.

Further help:

  • www.disabledparents.net - this site provides many innovative ideas and useful resources. (US Site)
  • Disability Parents Network (0300 3300 639)
    provides information, advice and peer-support to anyone with a disability or long-term illness that is, or wants to be a parent.  Also have a discussion forum with a section specifically for parents with fibromyalgia.
  • The Baby Challenge: A Handbook on Pregnancy for Women with Physical Disability, by MJ Campion

If you would like to discuss any personal issues about fibromyalgia and pregnancy,FMA UK have a list of mothers with fibromyalgia who would be prepared to talk to you. Contact the FMA UK office for details.

If you are worried and would like to email a professional midwife with experience of fibromyalgia you could contact Denyse at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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