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Fancy Dress Beach Walk, Sandfields, Port Talbot, 15th May

You are invited to a Fancy Dress Beach Walk on Sunday the 15th of May at 12:00 pm on Aberavon beach in Sandfields, Port Talbot, from Jeff's bend to the pier, organised by Chloey Miller.

Chloey told us why she organised the walk: ‘’The reason I have chosen to raise awareness for fibromyalgia is because my mother Lisa who will be 40 this year suffers from the condition and I have seen the effects first hand. Just last week I went to a GP appointment with my mother and they mentioned there is nothing more they can do for her in regards to fibro. I have seen how much constant pain my mother is in and how much medication she has been put on to help with the pain, however it doesn't seem to work. I see how much of a daily struggle it is and how hard it is for her to complete even small tasks such as making a cup of tea.

I remember a time where my mother was fit and healthy and would come down the beach with the family, and it is hard to now see her on crutches, unstable walking, in a wheelchair when doing things like shopping. She cannot go out along in case she falls. She often drops things as her hands aren't working right anymore. Seeing the effects of her 'fibro fog' is very upsetting as she forgets things, even things she may have talked about ten minutes before. She forgets words mid-sentence, and can get confused sometimes. She sometimes has falls, the other week I had to pick her up off the floor. I could see how upset she was that she feels her independence has been taken away from her. She also suffers with sickness and is afraid to go out in public in case she is sick. 

However, no matter how ill my mother gets, she doesn't let it get her down. She truly is my inspiration. With everything she is going through herself she is still the main carer for my uncle who lives with us and cannot walk and talk, as well as caring for my brother and step brother. My mother still supports us all, is always there for us, and always puts the four of us first before her own needs. She really is a warrior, and I don't know how she does it.

I fell by raising awareness for her condition I'm giving something back and showing her we really appreciate all she does for us and is not going to go unnoticed.

I have also heard people saying it is not a real condition and there is nothing wrong with her and anyone can say they have it. If people really understood what the condition is and how it affects people, they would be more understanding and not judge. This is why I want to raise awareness for Fibromyalgia’’.

If you live nearby, please come to Chloey’s Fancy Dress Beach Walk and support this fun and inspirational initiative.

If you can’t attend, support Chloey’s efforts by donating to her JustGiving page, the proceeds will support FMA UK work:


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