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Successful fibromyalgia conference plan a reunion in 2011

Report by Leanne Daniels Horndean FM SG.

Dr Robert Lister BSc PhD FBS C Biol. is a Director of Phyla Ltd, a health care consultancy and Director of Cubic Ltd, which develop innovative medical electronic devices. He is Chairman of the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition at London Metropolitan University. Linda Horncastle Dip COT SROT, Group Leader South Bucks FM SG, due to FM stopped work. Thanks to the Alpha-Stim she has returned to work as an Occupational Therapist.

Dr Lister spoke of a pilot study relating to chemical imbalances, which showed a 60% improvement with microcurrent stimulation, but he felt something else was going on in the brain.  Many people suggested the pains were a figment of the imagination and various drugs were needed to treat the condition. He felt there as ‘faulty wiring’ on the malfunctioning connections to the nervous system although imbalances may be able to fixed there was evidence that brain stimulation can modify the signals.

Dr Lister spoke about the influences we feel and the chemical receivers. But when the muscle or bone is injured the body sets up an electrical current. Electricity can affect the brain. Some elements may be faulty and disconnected but this can be changed by introducing the microcurrent. By changing the electrical status this can alter the way we behave. People with psychological disorders had purely behavioural problems and these could be improved by talking. The brain is made up of a lot of active centres and neuroscientists were using deep brain stimulations for diseases such as Parkinsons. He made reference to CES Cranial Electric Stimulation, which produced a similar effect to deep brain stimulation at a cost of £250. Stimulation can provide relaxation in some parts of the brain and stimulation in others. It can block pain, reduce anxiety, increase positive effects and alleviate insomnia. The stimulation can also change the concentration of chemicals, releasing more so the energy levels are increased,

Studies in the USA have helped pain, anxiety, stress, muscle tension and insomnia. In recent trials based on 500 patients the majority received between up to 99% relief of symptoms and headaches.  There were moderate improvements on trials involving 2,500 patients in RSD, FMS, myofascial pain and migraines.

Introducing Linda and told her story. He said she had FMS for 20 years, stopped working but was now walking again thanks to the microcurrent. Dr Lister confirmed microcurrents had been used in the USA for 29 years and were safe and claimed 90% success rate. At a lower power than TENS machines the effect is cumulative where the TENS stops when you turn it off.  The machines use probes and sticks.

Linda’s group had tried the microcurrent machines and reported improvements in 3 weeks.  While it is not a magic cure it should be used most days and then mobility improves and fibro fog disappears. There are no side effects except perhaps some tingling.

Report by Clare Palmer ANOM

Dr Raymond Perrin DO PhD, Hon. Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, UCLAN, Registered Osteopath and Specialist in CFS. He spent 16 years researching medical and scientific evidence while treating CFS/ME/ Fibromyalgia patients with of the Perrin Technique.

Dr Perrin explained his treatment, based on manual drainage of toxins from the central nervous system, could relieve many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Some doctors treat fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) separately, while others think they are actually the same thing – or at least, variations of the same condition. According to the Arthritis Foundation, research shows that 50 to 70 percent of people with one diagnosis also fit the criteria for the other.

Raymond Perrin’s earlier research at the University of Salford in conjunction with the University of Manchester, coupled with the hundreds of successful clinical case studies and the latest findings in neurophysiology, has provided strong evidence that CFS involves a disturbance of the drainage of toxins from the brain and muscles? These poisons often enter body in the form of viruses, bacteria and other microbes, parasitic infection or due to environmental toxins such as pesticides. Yeasts, bacteria, viruses, parasites, pesticides and heavy metals have all been implicated in cases on Fibromyalgia.

Osteopath and bioscientist Ray Perrin, who has developed this treatment technique over the past twenty years, showed how simple measures can bring relief to the patient and explained the possible patho-physiological pathways that lead to this terribly debilitating disease. The basis of this condition being a toxic overload of the brain and spine affecting the sympathetic nervous system, can over stimulate the peripheral nerves leading to pain and muscle spasms etc.

Dr Perrin stressed that although The Perrin Technique has brought much relief to many, it is not a cure-all treatment. In cases of fibromyalgia it should be used in conjunction with other therapies such as acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Supplements of vitamins and minerals, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and pacing are all important in the overall therapy. His best-selling book The Perrin Technique, Hammersmith Press, London, 2007, sold out with a conference discount and is available from most good book supplies.

Report by Leanne Daniels from Horndean FM SG with thanks for her commitment and help during the weekend.

Andrea Barr MRSS (T) is a Shiatsu teacher/Complementary Pain Specialist, interested in FM, and has lectured in Switzerland, Austria and UK.  She runs Pilgrim Hospital Boston Pain Clinic, Lincs. Talking about the logical empowerment approach to pain managements, she looked at the physical symptoms of FMS.

People who eat carbohydrates may suffer from an intolerance of this substance that can also lead to many of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia she said recommending that oats and rye should be retained but most carbohydrates should be removed from the diet.

Andrea Barr referred to emotional symptoms including questioning yourself, the pressure of time, being self critical if doing nothing, feeling stressed, concerned with details and a low level depression.

The Autonomic nervous system - or fight and flight feelings - often resulted in difficulty expressing feeling, feeling under threat, while our bodies undergo a series of dramatic changes in blood flow, digestive tract, and the muscles.  Signs of flight or fight syndrome are poor sleep with an inability to shut down, tight shoulders/neck, digestive upsets, regular headaches. The fight or flight feelings can stem from childhood, long term trauma, too much activity and no calmness, and undetected stress.

Referring to rest, digest and repair Andrea Barr said the heart rate drops, blood pressure falls, respiration slows and deepens. Blood flow is re-established, the immune and lymphatic systems are supported, and you feel relaxed, calm and refreshed if you slept well.

Summarising she said the body can only repair itself during rest and digest. During fight or flight the rest does nothing for the body.  Traumas and triggers can put a patient in a fight or flight condition.  She described how the brain reacted during this sensation.

Resources to encourage better sleep included EFT, thought field therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, yoga, medication and breathing, Shiatsu and cranial treatments. For more help email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ring 01522 521 817.




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