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Fibromyalgia information afternoon for all

This meeting has been organised to inform those affected by Fibromyalgia; children, young people, adults and their carers and families.  All are welcome. The meeting will consist of different speakers that are relevant in helping you live a better quality of life. The meeting will help you to understand and mange the condition better and give you an insight into what is available to help you to do this. It will also give you an opportunity to chat to others.

Please support this event. It will take place on Saturday 15th SEPTEMBER 1-30pm – 4-30pm. Doors open 1-00 pm.  The Y Centre (opposite the Malt Shovel)Albion Way,  Horsham,  West Sussex RH12 1AH. CAR PARKING IS AVAILABLE CLOSE BY.

For further information or to book your place, please contact: The Fibromyalgia Support Group for Surrey and Sussex, 14 Singleton Road,  Broadbridge Heath Horsham, West Sussex RH12 3NP Tel:  01403 255450.

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