‘It’s a Pain’ Public Engagement Lecture Series (Durham)
- Details
- Category: Events
- Published on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 07:04
- Hits: 4816
Thank you to Angela Walker of MyPain Fibro for passing on details of this interesting evening.
Dr Frances Cole: introduces the concept of pain self-management past, present and future. She is a retired GP and author of ‘Overcoming Chronic Pain’. Baroness Hilary Armstrong: will chair this event. She is a former Labour MP for North West Durham, Chief Whip, and Non-Executive Director of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.
Calman Centre, Durham University, City Campus Lower Mountjoy, DH1 3LE
Wednesday 22nd June 2016
Please register your place for catering purposes (free entry)
(Tea/Coffee will be available from 6pm in the Calman Café)
The panel all manage persistent pain:
What helps and does not help?
- Best frame of mind?
- Benefits of pain support group?
- Use of modern media and technology such as apps and facebook?
Panel Members include:
- Antony Chuter: Chair of Pain UK which is an alliance of charities that promote the interests of those in pain. Chair of the British Pain Society (BPS) Patient Liaison Committee which acts in an advisory capacity to the BPS.
- Ian Semmons: Chair of Action on Pain which is an independent, non-political organisation that lobbies for efficient pain management services and provides pain education.
- Angela Walker: Founder of ‘MyPainFibro’ a local support group based in Chester-Le-Street for people with fibromyalgia and persistent pain.
- Christine Stebbing:Patient Consultant for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Pain Management Team.
For more details contact:
Joanna Quinlan, Pain Management Worker, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust Pain Team, Chester-le-Street Community Hospital jThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0191 387 6430, or ,
Dr Paul L Chazot, Associate Director, Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Senior Lecturer in Neuropharmacology, Durham University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0191 3341305.
There will be at least one roaming microphone. Paul/ Joanna will ensure the person asking the question has a microphone.
The chair will also guide which panel member(s) answers a question. If a panel member really wants to answer a particular question then he or she should indicate this to the chair.
If a health care professional perspective is required Dr Frances Cole (GP specialist) and Dr David Laird (Pain Medicine Specialist, CDDFT pain service) are in the audience and could provide this insight.
The forum will be roughly divided into 2 halves: (1) present- pain self-management techniques/ support groups now (2) future- so where we hope or think pain self-management/ support groups/ charities should develop and what is required for this to happen.