Medical Pack
- Details
- Category: General
- Published on Monday, 11 August 2008 14:19
- Hits: 101472
- Medical Pack
- 2. Diagnosis
- 3. Criteria for Fm
- 4. Pathogenesis
- 5. Evidence-based interventions
- 6. Pharmacological management
- 7. Non-pharmacological management
- 8. Body Conditioning
- 9. Exercise Management
- 10. Activity Scheduling
- 11. Young People
- 12. Alternative therapies
- 13. Trigger versus tender points
- 14. References
- 15. Resources & Contacts
- All Pages
Alternative therapies
There is limited empirical research to substantiate the use of alternative therapies. However, more focused on-going research is beginning to recognise some physiological and emotional benefits of these interventions:
- Osteopathy
- Acupuncture
- Massage therapy
- Herbal remedies
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions. The osteopath uses his/her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology combined with an in-depth evaluation of the musculoskeletal system to assess the health of the patient.
Massage therapy
Massage encourages muscle relaxation, blood flow and lymph drainage. In particular, deep-stroking massage can be used to tackle trigger points resulting from the prolonged contraction of muscle sarcomeres within a taut band of muscle. Some fibromyalgia patients will only be able to cope with a very light massage at first, needing to build up gradually.
Acupuncture is commonly used for the treatment of pain and is believed to suppress hyperneural activity for short periods. There are no known side effects of this treatment, which could be beneficial to patients who are hypersensitive to pharmacological treatments.
Herbal remedies
Herbal medicine uses plant extracts for their healing properties. Popular herbs to treat fibromyalgia are ginkgo biloba, which can improve blood circulation, and valerian to help sleep and to calm nervous anxiety. Patients should appreciate that herbal remedies are medicines, which may interact adversely with prescribed medications.